Prefix Applications

Shire Horse owners can use this form to request preferred prefixes for registration of horses in The Australian Shire Horse Stud Book.

Note that while we ask for three choices, we will consider each choice in turn from the top, and you do not need to provide more than one choice if you are confident your choice will be unique.

Please note that duplication of names is to be avoided and numerical suffixes are not allowed. Mandatory form fields are labelled with an asterix (*) below.

Prefix Choices

There can only be one prefix per breeder. A prefix may only be used when the person registering a horse is also the breeder of that horse.

The Committee reserves the right to approve or reject any application for a prefix without providing a reason or explanation.

The prefix will form part of the horse’s name and therefore must be of acceptable size to allow for the maximum of fifty (50) characters (this includes the prefix and spaces) allowed for a registered horse.

Note that while we ask for three choices, we will consider each choice in turn from the top, and you do not need to provide more than one choice if you are confident your choice will be unique.

Prefixes should be unique at the time of registration and submitted prefixes will be cross referenced, as far as possible, with international Shire Horse Stud Books recognised by the SHSA.

Initials or numbers cannot be used for prefixes.

Your name(Required)
Your address(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.